Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jerry Blow: Architectural Photographer

For class last Thursday, we had an architectural photographer, named Jerry Blow, come speak to us. He talked about how to get started as a photographer, how to prepare and plan economically, as well as the importance of maintaining client relationships. Then he showed us examples of his work and explained how he sets up the "money shot". Jerry reminded us to be aware of the composition, color, and vantage points and to convey a message with the photo. Depending on the client's needs and the project itself, the photographer can make decisions to edit the scene by adding elements or taking things away that detract in order to convey the message clearly to the viewer.

For one particular project, Jerry photographed a proposed patient's room for a children's cancer hospital and chose to add a pillow on the bed in the form of Flounder from the Little Mermaid.

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